Online Training Course
The B.O.P.S. - Bonding-Oriented-Pregnancy-Support method based on Bonding Analysis
Learn how to help pregnant women develop a deep emotional bond with their unborn babies throughout the 9 months of their intrauterine life.
All 6 modules will be video recorded and the recordings will be made available to all participants.
The course fees amount to 950,- Euro
If you want to join the course, including certification, please send me an email to
Dates of the only English training course in 2025:
6 modules: 28.06.- 05./12./19./26.07. and 02.08.2025
The BOPS method uses elements of prenatal psychology, visualisation exercises, deep relaxation techniques, narrative techniques. It is focused on three pillars: First, analysing the pregnant woman's bonding capacity and quality on the basis of her own bonding experiences which are deeply intertwined with her mother and father. Which factors within the relationship with her mother and/or father indicate whether there are blockages preventing the development of bonding with her baby and launching the mental and emotional contact with her baby. That way, the mother actively contributes to a successful pregnancy and smooth and easy birth.
Secondly, developing the contact with her baby which may take the form of images, internal dialogues and emotions, all of which are being transfered from mother to baby and vice versa. When that happens the baby feels and understands that it is being perceived as an independant human being which enables him to feel self-conscious, meaning having consciousness about his own identy.
Thirdly, on the basis of that kind of contact and its continuity mother and baby will be capable of mastering the birth giving process together. That part is the most revolutionary element of the whole method and will be explained in detail in the course.
Main subjects: significance of prenatal attachment/bonding; brief introduction to prenatal psychology; advantages for mother and baby – statistical data; analysis of the pregnant woman's biography, her bonding capacity and quality; impact of prenatal maternal stress on the unborn baby; bonding and brain development; birth trauma; prenatal twin loss; impact of ART technology; birth preparation; epigenetics and transgenerational trauma transfer
The course consists of 36 hours divided into 6 modules of 6 hours each. It is exclusively offered ONLINE.
There is the possibility to be awarded a certificate. Details will be given during the course.